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January 01, 2013



Resolutions or no, you've got some pretty ambitious goals for the New Year. I'm glad to see you're knitting for yourself. I think I will be knitting more for myself in the coming year. Of course, I'll still knit for the granddaughters, but the adults will just have to wait. You will love Evenstar. It is a fun knit. Just eat your Wheaties when you get to the beaded border. It takes forever, but is well worth it.

Caroline M

Poor Mara but at least you caught it before you cast off.

I don't set targets, I knit for fun and can't see the point of making it something to fail at.


I like you idea of thinking about what you'd like to knit. Be generous with yourself rather than prescriptive. These are all great projects, and a nice combination of ufo's and something new. Happy New Year.


I agree with Dorothy, you'll love knitting Evenstar. I'm almost finished with the circular part, just a few plain rows left before starting the border.
That Beaverslide yarn looks delicious. I love their wool.

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