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July 07, 2011


Caroline M

We went through the gas main replacement last September but they did give us six weeks notice. The grass verge still hasn't grown back from where they put the trench in, it was very dry and the grass seed they sowed never grew.

Birds and bees - they'll do what they'll do. I have bees in my compost bin, a vast aid to gardening that is!


Our road has been under construction for more than a month. The town saved every thing up and is doing it all at once. We will be lucky if they repave it by September. On the other hand, I'm not working out of my house at present.

Are you having the same drought we are upstate? I don't think it's rained more than 5 minutes since they dug up the street. I water the veg faithfully, however. Yours looks great!

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