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January 10, 2010


Caroline M

For me the main drawback in seamless sweaters is that there's little sense of making progress. I can knit a single piece back and see that something is finished whereas I knit and knit round and round and still have a half finished something. It doesn't make for portable knitting either, especially once the sleeves are attached.

Linda M

I feel much the same way you do about the gospel according to EZ. I take what I find good in her work and use it judiciously according to what suits me and my knitting. Yes, seamless sweaters have a lovely drape, but seams give a piece shape and body. And I don't mind purling at all, even though I am a right-handed thrower.

I love your chosen Lopi Lite sweater. I have that book and the roses pattern is marked for someday!

Wool Enough

Laela looks lovely. I bet it will be a fun knit.

Y'know I began knitting in 1961 and had never heard of EZ until quite recently. Strange, isn't it? But "Knitting in the Old Way" is one of my all-time favorite books.


I've always found EZ's pronouncements a bit too opinionated, though I do like some of her finished sweaters. I don't quite get why some people will go to such lengths to avoid purling and seaming, but there you have it. I've done one EZ style sweater, and it turned out well, though it makes the whole thing pretty non-portable by the time you get the sleeves attached. I look forward to your progress with the chosen sweater.

mary lou

There is much in EZ that reminds me of the Joy of Cooking - that there One Best Way to do a thing. As you knit, or cook, you discover that there are many best ways, depending on the circumstances. I discovered EZ back in the late 70's when I was in college and knitting without tears opened my eyes to a new way to think. I'm sure your experience will help you look at EZ's pronouncements with a critical eye. The sweater looks lovely, hope it's a fun knit.

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Anastasia Teterichko

The efficiency of knitting in the round using the knit stitch and no seams is that your knitting is always facing you and you don't have to worry about your patterns matching and you are less likely to make mistakes as you are always watching your work. I prefer to create my own patterns rather than painstakingly follow other peoples and I need never to draw them out first on graph paper. I can imagine my patterns as I go and can really get creative with my work. As far as the integrity of the clothing which is made in this manner, I enjoy the antiquity of the seamless garment as it represents a more traditional style of clothes making, a simpler design that results in a more natural and sturdy garment.

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