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May 18, 2009



Modules are a good way to make the pooling work for you. I've seen an article in Knitty about using modules for socks. I'll try to link it.

Knitty article


Wow, I would have NEVER noticed that mistake in a million years. And I would like a modified version of that last sweater too - even if you've got the abs for it, it's still tacky to wear anything that cropped - very 80s. I can't seen anyone making that one work at that length from a fashion perspective.


I wouldn't even notice that "mistake." I really love having mindless projects and a more difficult project to work on. There's nothing better for me than to have a harder project for tv viewing and an easy project for in the dark theatre viewing. :)


I wouldn't have noticed that mistake either, but I'd have ripped right along with you. That's the sort of thing that would bug me to death to leave in.
That last sweater would work if you changed the neckline and added about four more inches to the length!

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